OpenOpenStack? What's that?

  • 4/18/15 5:42 PM
  • Arash Kaffamanesh

The need for an OpenOpenStack?

HP, Red Hat, Cisco, IBM, Canonical and the all other BIG foundation members are providing their own OpenStack implementations with some proprietary glue code for network, storage, monitoring and automation solutions.

On the other hand we have a community built from "Others", others are non official OpenStack foundation members and hundreds of developers, testers and promoters of OpenStack, which could build a new community to build a real Open OpenStack, built e.g. on Open Hardware and under a democratic, vendor free approach.

I believe that "Others" should have their own community, their own OpenOpenStack (OOS) Summit and won't need the support from big players to provide the OOS to small to mid-size and even to very large companies.

I'm not speaking about a fork, but we ("others") need to provide our own open glue code for storage, networking, monitoring and automation solutions and provide an open reference architecture based on open compute hardware with an easy to follow installation and provisioning guide for "others".
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